
It's Been Fun

Well faithful readers. The time has come for me to step down as the lead writer for Routinely Average. I was recently hired at an online magazine called suite101.com that will actually pay me from time to time for my musings. If you are interested, their content is free so you are more than welcome to continue reading my stuff. I am going to try to diversify my subject matter as well, so I won't always be writing about movies anymore.

I started this blog almost exactly a year ago and I like to think I've done at least a decent job of updating it and keeping it interesting. I know I've become a much more proficient writer/blogger over that time span and I certainly hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. I am not totally precluding the possibility of continuing to post here at RA, but at least for now the articles will be much fewer and farther between. That is unless one of the other writers wants to pick up the slack, which would be awesome. In any case, I just wanted to say thank you one last time here before I go and I'd especially like to thank my co-writers Ben, Chris and Michael. It's been fun.

My Suite101 Profile
My first article at Suite101