
Now Let's Not Get Excited, But...

...I may continue posting occasionally to this site. Of course I never updated as routinely as Adam did and I don't think I can step up the frequency of posts I make, but if any of our readers see this, if once in a blue moon you check back I may have something for you to read here.

Today, I have this news item that I had to share: Peter Jackson has released his first official video from the set of The Hobbit! As a longtime fan of both The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy and of Tolkien's books (particularly The Hobbit) I am extremely excited about this, and even more so to see so many of the original cast returning to fill their old roles (Ian McKellan, Andy Serkis, rumors of Hugo Weaving, Ian Holm, and Elijah Wood) and to see Peter Jackson returning as director (although don't get me wrong, I think Guillermo del Toro is a visionary director who would have done a great job - but Jackson is basically a sure thing with this material, and I'm always one for stylistic consistency). I'd also like to point out that I am 100% behind the casting of Martin Freeman as Bilbo, not only because he has a very Hobbit-like look about him, but also because we know already that he can play the bumbling fish-out-of-water character to a T.

That's all for now... I must away ere break of day.


  1. Terrific link to the start of filming, Michael. (2-3 years to wait! Holy cow!) And thanks for taking up the RA banner, even if it's only occasionally. The insights you guys give here on films makes it worth the look.

  2. Thanks Jan! I'm just happy to know I'm not talking to myself!

  3. I may no longer be regularly writing, but I'll definitely be reading. Keep it coming Michael.
